College Admissions Counseling

At Career Crafters, we provide the best in college counseling for students who want to

enter a variety of Colleges and Universities.

How It Works 

Schedule a Consultation

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Choose a Coaching Plan

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Reach Your Goals

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Maximize Your Success 

Over the years, Career Crafters has developed a strong reputation for helping parents and students just like you enter the college experience. We understand the work and dedication needed to get into prestigious Ivy League colleges or one of the many highly selective universities around the country. What we offer is our guidance, knowledge, and experience to answer the questions that you have, while developing a plan that will successfully help you reach your goals.

At Career Crafters, we are here to provide the assistance needed to maximize your chances of entering college. We understand that there are no guarantees, but we can assist in avoiding possible mistakes. Let us help you achieve your goals and reach your dream of earning a diploma from one of the most selective and prestigious universities Country. Call or contact us today and find out more about the services we offer for you.

Countdown To College

Our Countdown to College package is inclusive of what you need to ensure college admissions and acceptance readiness.


More Details
  • Junior and Senior Year
  • Monthly 2 hour appointments
  • Priority scheduling, plus, phone, text and email support between appointments for parents and students.
  • Finalize career path, degree program, college list and timeline, college tour planning, testing plan, resume creation, develop essay(s), letters of recommendation requests
  • Guided 1:1 application completion
  • Follow Up: Admission’s Offices & University Affiliates
  • Scholarship guidance
  • Final selection assistance

Assessment & Yearly Planning



More Details
  • Administration
  • Interpretation
  • College Planning Binder 
  • Course planning
  • Career, Curriculum, Community  Exploration Opportunities
  • For upcoming Juniors and Seniors, a testing plan will also be developed (3 appointment minimum)

Personal Branding & Portfolio Creation

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More Details
  • Education and Career Counseling
  • Academic Supports
  • Application Assistance 
  • Career Field & Topic Selection
  • Bundled Package Elements 
  • 6 hours with Counselor
  • Three Appointments 
Helping You Find Success With Your College Entry Experience

We will Craft, Implement, & Succeed at Your College and Career Plan

Entering college represents a big change in your life. With so many unknowns combined with the different rules and requirements that colleges and universities feature, that’s why having the proper college admissions counseling can really help. This is especially true with Ivy League colleges and selective universities where the acceptance rate among applicants is often ten percent or less. 

Excellent grades and high SAT or ACT scores are not enough in most cases. You need that something extra that separates your achievements from the rest. Unfortunately, many parents and their children focus on the wrong areas that only leads to disappointment. What you need is the proper guidance to know what to do to maximize your chances of success.

At Career Crafters, we provide the best in college counseling for students who want to enter Ivy League colleges along with selective universities. Over the years, we have perfected our programs that provide you with the right information and guidance to make the best-informed decisions. 

What Is College Counseling?

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What We Do Best

Just a few ways we support our clients during their pathway to success

Application & Resume

Have confidence when submitting college applications and work-related resumes. We focus on details that grab attention from both schools and employers.


College & Career Search

Find what you're looking for with our strategic searching methods that focus on your strengths, interests, and well-being in mind. 

Data Driven Results

We use the latest technology and consistently research trends and news that relate to our clients and their needs.


A variety of assessments are used to facilitate and accelerate our client's journey.

Support for understanding College Assessment requirements, descriptions, expectations and more are, of course, a service we provide.

Strategic Planning

Collaboration with Clients and the use of valuable resources to create, implement and complete a personalized success plan. 


Our consulting is provided over a variety of areas, including but not limited to Education K-12, College Readiness & Completion, Career Fulfillment, and above all, Work-Life Satisfaction.